blog // ~drinkyt

my linux journey

Webserver is up and running!

March 07, 2020 — ~drinkyt

Yesterday I decided to resurrect my web server over to a Redhat Virtual Machine. One of my first projects when I started this was to get a webserver connected to the outside world! It was quite a challenge for me, since I really didn't know what I was doing. I had great help from a friend, and his notes were very helpful to me. Six months ago, I couldn't barely manage to get through the shell and figure things out. Let alone trying to find and fix problems in my configurations. I felt very comfortable setting this up, and even started to harden the secuirty of the server itself. I am completely happy with how it turned out. My next goal will be to learn a little web design (HTML,PHP,CSS,Java) so I can make this thing from the ground up. Thanks to everyone along the way who has helped me. A big thanks to my friend Ben Kress who got me started in the right direction. I owe you very much my friend! Feel free to check this work in progress out along the way!

tags: webserver redhat-enterpise-linux drinkyt linux-journey tilde-team tilde

Command line for beginners tutorial (review)

March 03, 2020 — ~drinkyt

I am going to write a quick review on my first Tilde tutorial. The command line for absolute beginners. First off, I've only been using Linux for about 6 months now. So it is imperative for tutorials to be worded in such a way that makes sense to me. I can say that the author had a very simplistic way of giving directions. They described the syntax, the reason for it, and what the syntax will do. I did everything step by step, and everything came together in my head. I knew a good amount of the basic commands, but never quite understood when to use them, or why I would use them. If you are new, please check it out and start to get an understanding. I will post the link below for anyone who wants to give it a shot! I would like to say thanks to tilde for all the great resources. I look forward to many more tutorials to come!


tags: first-tutorial tilde-wiki drinkyt-blog tilde-team